Wirral, countryside, volunteers, wiral counrtyside volunteers, new ferry, butterfly park, wirral hundred, wcv, pond restoration, thornton, wcv, NFBP, hedge laying, hedgelaying, coppice, coppicing, Events `
Wirral Countryside Volunteer Events
WCV’s programme of events is the result of a group meeting which is usually held every three months. WCV do have the usual officers, a chairperson, an honorary secretary, a treasurer and a membership secretary; but all meetings are open to any members who wish to be present, and all are invited to play a part in deciding what we are taking on as tasks.
What to Bring
We are often asked, by volunteers, what to bring along to WCV events?  As a general rule, wear suitable clothing and footwear for working outdoors in all weathers.  Bring refreshments as well - drink and food for breaks and lunchtimes.

What's in it for you?  Fresh air, exercise, discover some new talents, learn some natural history, meet - and spend time - with like-minded people.
Last update: 26th January  2025


At Wirral Countryside Volunteers (WCV) we need to ensure the safety and wellbeing of volunteers and organisers alike

Continuing the need to protect each other from the risk of COVID infection, we would still ask everybody to take the following precautions:


Event Description


Booking Link

   2025  Wirral Countryside Volunteers 40th Year


Monday 3rd

Start times:

Meal: 18:30

Meeting: 19:30

Group meal and meeting

Bridge Inn, Bolton Rd, Bebington, Wirral CH62 4UQ

February Group Meeting: Ticket Tailor booking link

Wednesday 5th

Start Time: 09:30

Hedgelaying at Shocklach: Following on from the hedgelaying competition last year we have committed to finishing off the length of hedge which was used on the competition day 

Moore Farm, Shocklach, Malpas SY14 7BX

Shocklach 5th Feb: Ticket tailor booking link

Sunday 9th

Start Time: 09:30

New Ferry Butterfly Park workday:  Hedge laying, turf removal and other general maintenance tasks

New Ferry Butterfly Park, Howell Road, Bebington

February NFBP Workday: Ticket Tailor booking link

Wednesday 12th

Start Time: 09:30

Hedgelaying at Shocklach: Following on from the hedgelaying competition last year we have committed to finishing off the length of hedge which was used on the competition day 

Moore Farm, Shocklach, Malpas SY14 7BX

Shocklach 12th Feb: Ticket tailor booking link

Saturday 15th

Start time: 09:30

Hazel and Sweet Chestnut coppicing under the pylons

Eastham Country Park.  Meet in Warren Lane Car Park, north of Port Sunlight RUFC, CH62 3QQ

Eastham Country Park Coppicing: Ticket Tailor booking link

Wednesday 19th


Start time: 09:30

Training Day Hedge Preparation

Landican Lane near the Woodchurch Road end

Training hedge prep day: Ticket Tailor booking link

Saturday 22nd

Start time: 09:30

WCV 20th Hedge Laying Training Day

NOTE: please select the correct ticket for your skill level - TRAINEE or TRAINER

Landican Lane near the Woodchurch Road end

20th Hedgelaying Training day: Ticket Tailor booking link

Saturday 22nd

Start time: 16:30

Post hedge laying training day meal.  It has become somewhat of a tradition for anyone attending the training day to end the day with a meal and a short social gathering.  Note: this is not funded by WCV

Seven Stars public house in Thornton Hough

Church Rd, Thornton Hough, Wirral CH63 1JW

Post hedge laying meal:  Ticket Tailor booking link

Wednesday 26th

Start Time: 09:30

Post training day hedge tidy-up.  We'll be joining up any sections not completed on the training day and general tidy-up of the laid hedge.

Landican Lane near the Woodchurch Road end

Post training day tidy-up: Ticket Tailor booking link


Sunday 9th

Start time: 09:30

New Ferry Butterfly Park workday: Hedge laying, turf removal and other maintenance tasks

New Ferry Butterfly Park, Howell Road, Bebington

March NFBP Workday: Ticket Tailor booking link


Sunday 13th

Start time: 09:30

New ferry Butterfly Park workday: Preparation for NFBP opening day

New Ferry Butterfly Park, Howell Road, Bebington

April NFBP Workday: Ticket Tailor booking link

Saturday 26th

Start time: 09:30

Spring walk around the ancient woods and woodland admiring the spring flowers.  Upper Dibbinsdale, Tom's Paddock, Foxes Wood and Thornton Wood

Meet on Thornton Common Road where the road crosses the M53

Spring Walk 2025: Ticket tailor booking link

From its beginnings WCV have held weekend tasks; much more recently these weekend tasks have been supported and extended by the “Intrepid Midweekers”, who have their own programme of tasks (though this often links to the main programme).  Events are briefly described in the table below.

All events are fully assessed and the necessary Risk Assessments are completed and made available to all.  All events are supported by the required support mechanisms, First Aiders, etc

© Wirral Countryside Volunteers 2024 – all rights reserved